Unknown Tonearm

I recently aquired an old Oracle Delphi MK 11. The tonearm is black & thin with a 3 piece weight which includes a seperator between two machined brass pieces. There is also a brass piece between the bearing pivots it says Scorpion on it.It looks in quite nice shape it came with a Grado Signature cartridge which turns out to be dead on one side unfortunatly. Is it worth using this arm or letting it go? If so is it worth anything? I have a RB300 and a Denon 103 I could swap out from my other turntable (Oracle Paris). I'm going to be ordering a tune up kit from Oracle anyway I could also order the proper springs and a new armboard at the same time. Any help/advice would be appreciated Thanks Joel
That tonearm is known as the Helius Scorpio. If you do a search at Google there are a couple of web sites that pop up with specifications and images.

Wish I could offer more, I have not heard that model although it looks interesting.
Good idea to upgrade the TT. UHF magazine keeps saying that the Delphi only started working right in its Mk III version.