Running balanced. Difference between XLR vs. RCA.

Would like to know the difference, if any, in running an amplifier, or preamp, in a balanced mode with XLR connectors or running balanced with RCA connectors. Is there any benefitial difference between the two if the runs are kept at 1 meter. I have an amp and preamp that can run balanced with either.
If SE CKT, using RCA or XLR IC would make difference. But for balanced CKT, XLR will benefit from more gain, CMRR, .... CMRR is more the power supply related, a better power supply will help also. Lower RF noise will help both SE and BL, but not make SE the same as BL.
The only way to find out what sounds better is to try both and use what works best for you as all systems are not alike! Alot will say balanced is better but if your eq. is not true balanced as stated above then balanced may not improve over single end IC. Most systems that are true balanced do sound better with balanced IC, And I mean most systems do but some don't. Happy Listening!
IME, I have either heard no differences with balanced lines (1m) or single-ended sounded better. Now if you are running 10m cables there may be an improvement.
Guys, thanks for your input. I'm going to go ahead and try the XLR's first and see if I like the results. Those W-10's are just amazing. They really brought my speakers to life. I'm on the path to the next level... Yea!
An experience on the question of whether balanced connection can make a difference with shorter cable runs: Between my balanced DAC and balanced preamp, I experimented by trying 1m runs of two different cable types in both balanced XLR and single-ended RCA configurations for each type, and for both types, the balanced XLR examples proved superior (with volume levels compensated to match - the preamp allows for input-level offsets to be pre-programmed to within .1dB for accurate comparisions, which I remotely switched from the listening chair). In particular, running the balanced connection resulted in a presentation that was more dimensionally 'embodied', with fuller tonal saturation and dynamic contrast. These differences were slight but consistent, and musically worthwhile; the effect in balanced mode was unmistakably a bit more believable and engaging overall. So I can confidently say that short run length by itself ought not dissuade anyone from trying out balanced connection, especially with true-balanced components, but as Albert and others have noted above, everything is dependent, and YMMV. You just have to do the audition for yourself...