Sorry about this, I really am a newbie and I am probably giving the dumb answer of the day but here goes.
My understanding from speaking to the designer of thes basis vector tonearm(which I am dying to get) is that this phenomena is real, is found on many (all?) tonearms and is a problem. The problem is that the arm wand is actually coupled to the needle and is vibrating (resonating) with the stylus movements. SOme of this vibrational enrgy is transferred back to the stylus which is obviously not ideal. Also some of the energy from the groove is wasted. Now I cannot comment on what the sonic signature of this effect is , or how much it degrades the signal, but I do know that at at least a few tonearm manufactures make a sincere attempt to minimize this effect in their designs. My understanding is that the basis vector has mininmal noise when played with the amp off, and that the designer is ver yproud of this fact. I haven't heard the vector myself, but I have never read or heard a negative comment about its sound, so It probably helps the sound to minimze this effect. I am little surprised that there are so many smart alec remarks. After all people spend a lot of time and effort trying to minimize stray vibrations in analog setups
My understanding from speaking to the designer of thes basis vector tonearm(which I am dying to get) is that this phenomena is real, is found on many (all?) tonearms and is a problem. The problem is that the arm wand is actually coupled to the needle and is vibrating (resonating) with the stylus movements. SOme of this vibrational enrgy is transferred back to the stylus which is obviously not ideal. Also some of the energy from the groove is wasted. Now I cannot comment on what the sonic signature of this effect is , or how much it degrades the signal, but I do know that at at least a few tonearm manufactures make a sincere attempt to minimize this effect in their designs. My understanding is that the basis vector has mininmal noise when played with the amp off, and that the designer is ver yproud of this fact. I haven't heard the vector myself, but I have never read or heard a negative comment about its sound, so It probably helps the sound to minimze this effect. I am little surprised that there are so many smart alec remarks. After all people spend a lot of time and effort trying to minimize stray vibrations in analog setups