I've spent years trying to figure out the secrets of AC power, and I've learned a little......
------Always A/B compare EVERY AC cable/conditioner/etc. against the same component directly in the wall. Very sobering, frustrating, and an often forgotten step when comparing many individual products with each other......DIRECTLY in the wall will win 80% of the time over the BEST connditioners for SLAM and authority, and all passive conditioners seem to destroy the bottom octaves, as they somewhat filter the top RF, and it's modulation away. The theory is that the inevitable raised impedence of a passive capacitor kills it's jump from the wall to your gear. RESULT a LOT of us out there run naked gear, and pray it doesn't cook in a brownout.
------Balanced power drops the noise floor BING! 5-6 dbs or more, but it's not the holy grail, and spendy done right. But it's addictive on source components, the toughest challange in comprimises. Power Amps seem easy to me now;;;;just spend 200-400+ to taste, and go right into the wall.
------Strand microphony is very real, and glaring in AC signal (speaker also) so I would steer clear of KIMBER or convential braid, and if you can afford it, chase flat conductor designs for achieving CLEAN. (Note= I love KIMBER in interconnects)
I love my PSAUDIOPowerplant, but can't understand why Paul has decided to sell prehistoric old ideas for AC cables(???) All donut filters compress the highs to my ear;;; an older Audioquest cable w/donut seems to clearly and easily demonstrate this;;; has he ever listened to the competition in AC cables?? Oh well, they have treated me well, I shouldn't bitch, and it's all system dependant, so who knows............
------THe floating shield, combined with a large gauge, creates a low pass filter, e.g. The modern Powercord is indeed revolutionary, and eventually all will hear it's clear benefit, if they ever try listening. I say= chase cords, not conditioning on a lower budget, if your gear can put up with no circuit protection. Conditioning is a can of worms with no clear solution;;; good luck!!!
------If you are not hearing any change with a Power cord in your system, try an AC Master Coupler (not an AC --coupler) by Sysnergistic Research. It's a classic, and not my first choice for refinement, but you WILL hear a difference;;;; great bang for the buck.
Audiopheliac (Audiogon registration pending)
------Always A/B compare EVERY AC cable/conditioner/etc. against the same component directly in the wall. Very sobering, frustrating, and an often forgotten step when comparing many individual products with each other......DIRECTLY in the wall will win 80% of the time over the BEST connditioners for SLAM and authority, and all passive conditioners seem to destroy the bottom octaves, as they somewhat filter the top RF, and it's modulation away. The theory is that the inevitable raised impedence of a passive capacitor kills it's jump from the wall to your gear. RESULT a LOT of us out there run naked gear, and pray it doesn't cook in a brownout.
------Balanced power drops the noise floor BING! 5-6 dbs or more, but it's not the holy grail, and spendy done right. But it's addictive on source components, the toughest challange in comprimises. Power Amps seem easy to me now;;;;just spend 200-400+ to taste, and go right into the wall.
------Strand microphony is very real, and glaring in AC signal (speaker also) so I would steer clear of KIMBER or convential braid, and if you can afford it, chase flat conductor designs for achieving CLEAN. (Note= I love KIMBER in interconnects)
I love my PSAUDIOPowerplant, but can't understand why Paul has decided to sell prehistoric old ideas for AC cables(???) All donut filters compress the highs to my ear;;; an older Audioquest cable w/donut seems to clearly and easily demonstrate this;;; has he ever listened to the competition in AC cables?? Oh well, they have treated me well, I shouldn't bitch, and it's all system dependant, so who knows............
------THe floating shield, combined with a large gauge, creates a low pass filter, e.g. The modern Powercord is indeed revolutionary, and eventually all will hear it's clear benefit, if they ever try listening. I say= chase cords, not conditioning on a lower budget, if your gear can put up with no circuit protection. Conditioning is a can of worms with no clear solution;;; good luck!!!
------If you are not hearing any change with a Power cord in your system, try an AC Master Coupler (not an AC --coupler) by Sysnergistic Research. It's a classic, and not my first choice for refinement, but you WILL hear a difference;;;; great bang for the buck.
Audiopheliac (Audiogon registration pending)