Transparent Audio IC's and Speaker Cable

I'm using Transparent Audio Supers for the IC, and Transparent MusicWave w/ Transparent Jumpers for the speakers. I'm debating whether to upgrade to the Ultra IC, or MusicWave Plus speaker cables. I'm looking to get a bigger soundstage, and better seperation of instruments. I do plan on auditioning both, but I was wondering what others experiences are.

Rest of my system:

Cambridge Audio D500
Audio Refinement Complete
Monitor Audio Silver 5i
NHT Subtwo
stock power cords (I'll be making my own PCs soon)
Home made isolation system based off of symposium's stuff (it actually works very well, big improvements in soundstage, detail retrieval, and noise floor)

If possible, you can first try upgrading your speaker cables with the "Super" model. They would be a nice match for your Super ICs. They are quite a bit more expensive than the Plus, but well worth the extra money. Good luck!
Before you waste any more money on Transparent, I think you ought to try some other brands that are more natural sounding, like Tara Labs or Nordost or NBS. Why would you pay to put additional electronics in your cables? That can only add distortion or subtract bandwidth. simpler is better
I agree with Mg123. I auditioned Transparent Music Wave, Super's and Ultra's. I was quite disappointed mainly because I found they lost detail in the higher ranges (clipping). I had NBS Monitor IV (and tried Monitor III's) ic's and speaker cables and found them very neutral and superior to the Transparent cables. The same with Nordost SPM's (not quite as neutral, but far superior to the Transparent). Also JPS Superconductor II's are very revealing and excelent cables. I now use NBS Monitor I ic's and speaker cable. They are expensive, but the clarity, detail and quite background are worth it. The Used Cable Company and eAudioNet will let you demo different cables for a modest fee. It's definitely worth the try. Good luck.
I will recommend you to change to Vantage cables! They can find something in silver, gold or a combination, who can beat Transparent in any ways. Vantage is the best cables I have ever heard! Just to point out, I have absolutly nothing to do with Vantage cables, more than I like there cables and can only recommend them.
Best regards
I agree with hifir. Try going if you can to the super speaker cables as well. I've owned a lot of cable brands...transparent is pretty good. everything does something a little different. If not, maximize on the connection between source and preamp first, then amp to speaker, then preamp to amp. AC cords can make a big impact. Do you/can you install dedicated AC lines with isolated ground? Not much $'s, big help.