how to best a/b cables

Ok, I admit it: I have serious doubts about the claims of those who believe in cables. But I am willing to take their challenge - let my ears decide. So I went to a local dealer (who is probably reading this thread - Hi!!) and got some Transparent speaker cables and interconnects to audition. My setup: Linn LP12 turntable, Linn Linto phono stage, Linn Ikemi CDP, Plinius 8200 integrated, B&W N804 speakers and 10 year old Audioquest cables & inters (I believe they are the "Ruby" models.)

My question: my Linn Linto has dual outputs. Can I connect my old cables into one output and the Transparents into the other and then run them into two different inputs in the line stage pre and thereby get a good way to a/b the cables? My dealer says it is not a good way to get an a/b comparison because the two sets of cables will affect eachother and it will muddy the water. Does this make sense? If I hook one into the tape1 input and the other into the tape2 input and if I'm switched to tape1, then tape2 is an open circuit and should be completely inert and vice versa. Any comments?

I think your dealer is right. I cannot give you the technical reasons for it, because I'm not trained that way, but my experience and the rules for this sort of experiment point in the direction, that the candidates or devices under test should meet exactly identical conditions. In your case this would mean swapping cables and plugging them into identical in- and outputs.
Try it your way. The switch the cables from one output to the other and one input to the other. See if you think there's a difference that travels with the cable when you make the changes. Then do it your dealer's way. If the differences between inexpensive 10 year old cables and expensive new ones are so slight as to be masked by the fact that another cable is plugged in to the line stage, I would wonder why you would want to spend the money.
If both the Linto and the line stage have selector switches, then it is an open circuit. If the Linto does not, and both output terminals are always hot, then the presence of the second set of cables presents a slight load at the Linto output, which is different for each cable set and can result in small differences in the total Linto output. You can test whether any of it is audible by listening to one pair of cables w/wo the other set plugged in.
As to the minor difference in pathway between two different sets of input posts or output posts which are switched on the inside of the box, I think you'd have to be very golden-eared to hear the difference (assuming good build quality), but the strict rules of A/B'ing say that you should use the same terminals. I suspect the cable differences will greatly exceed the minor differences from this source. After all, A/B switching boxes are built this way, though admittedly they should be built carefully.