Have you ever collected on insurance????

It seems that lately there have been quite a few threads on damaged goods arriving, being stolen or really lost in the shipping business . It seems many of you have made claims that have been turned down. Has anyone ever collected on a less than perfect arrival ? I have been very fortunate in shipping - of course I do not buy speakers from individuals only dealers because they are more than likely to be packed wrong and will suffer through the process and sometimes you cannot tell until you have signed and the guy has gone.
In short, I had a terrible time collecting from UPS on an amp that was fully insured but arrived DOA. They had even inspected it at the UPS drop-off center. I now use FedEx ground as much as possible. Fed Ex also gets the COD check back to you in one or two days. For UPS it takes between 10 days and forever to get the check.
I had a custom piece of furniture built, when completed the manufacturer suggested Watkins motor freight.

Crate arrived at Watkins warehouse, whereupon they phoned me for delivery instructions. I ask if I may pick up and answered yes.

Upon inspection, I see one corner is damaged, I ask to open the crate to verify goods are not damaged. Permission denied.

I ask the clerk to write on my invoice that corner is damaged and I was refused viewing rights. Upon arrival at my home the goods are damaged at the spot the crate is crushed.

Polaroids of all, and claim filed. Watkins refuses, says good damaged between their terminal and my home. I file suit in small claims court.

Judge awards me as I was refused inspection. He says next time if shipper wants to prove damage occurred between terminal and buyers home, both parties should have the right of inspection, especially when the crate is damaged.

The lesson is get it in writhing. Even then, documentation by Polaroids and Judges rule may be necessary to put things right.
I don't understand how UPS can have the audacity to tell the shipper that they won't honor the insurance paid for the goods being shipped because the packaged were prepared by the sender and not UPS. If UPS won't honor the insurance, they shouldn't accept the package or the amount being paid for the insurance.

I think everyone who gets the run-around when they deny your rights to claim when your product is damaged via UPS delivery, you should take them to court right away. I really want to see UPS pay through the nose in punitive damages.
If you recall my McIntosh 2102 was lost/stolen in shipment. On a whim I contacted McIntosh to see it they had some kind of theft registry.

Lo and behold I got a call from McIntosh and they said THEY had it!!! Fedex lost the shipping packet... so they shipped it to McIntosh , where it has been sitting for several weeks, not knowing why it was there, until they got my e-mail.

Case closed... just waiting for it to be sent to me from them! :-)