Best Tonearm Upgrades for Linn LP12

I've just purchased a used Linn Sondek LP12, which I selected because of the high starting quality for the table and all the upgrade possibilities. I have the Valhalla Power Supply and a Basik Plus tonearm. Currently, I'm using an old Grado G-1+ cartridge and I will upgrade to a Dynavector 10x4 or 20X-H soon.

My questions are: Which tonearms will make the greatest improvement for the least money? And which tonearms are great matches with the turntable?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpbowne
The best sonic upgrade I ever made to my lp12 was the naim arro arm. That includes the prior ittok replacing the basik, the troika cartridge, and the lingo.
We just bought a linn lp12 majik, cirkus upgrade, hercules mose power supply and a rega rb2000 tonearm, which by the way, still waiting for a appropiate board arm which works with rega tonearm.
rega rb2000 is the best tonearm which offers rega. Our system is a ultra high end resolution system: martin logan clxes modified with mundorff caps, cardas binding posts as transparent cable inside, transparent reference xl mm2 loudspeakers cables, transparent mm power cords and filter, vtl mb185 series III amps with kt77 gold lyon, mullard vintage signal tubes, vtl 5.5II preamp with mulllards tubes, sony hap-z1 es server, transparent reference mm2 gen5 balanced interconnects. Turntable used to be vpi classic 3 with 3d arm, soundsmith straingauge 200 cartridge. The thing is we love linn turntable there is something that seems more musical than most.
we have 2 tonearms : rega rb2000 and sme 309 or maybe linn ekos se. The thing is, we trust very much on rega arm and stunning perfomance, vpi is good but not as good tracker and akward antiskate mechanism. But have someone compare rega with sme 309 ?.


According to my experience with the Linn the best value proposition is the Ittok. But the best tonearms are Naim Aro and Sumiko 800

(''the arm'').