Overrated & Underrated


Bob Marley
Stevie Wonder
The Beatles
Chuck Berry
Pearl Jam
Elton John
Janis Joplin
Miles Davis
Joni Mitchell
Canada’s contributions to popular music
Neil Young
Ronald Reagan
Napa Cabernet


Toots Hibbert
Chicago Soul
Curtis Mayfield
Bo Diddley
Robert Fripp
Joy Division
Marc Bolan
Etta James
Early Miles Davis
Bob Dylan (really)
Jamaica’s contributions to popular music
Neil Diamond
Rock Steady
Lyndon Johnson
German Riesling
Ohio State
I have seen the Dunn cabs on the shelf in Chicago. The Napa cab is not that hard to find. The Howell Mtn. can be found, but is quite scarce. Try contacting Jim Hightower, Bob Presley, or Todd Hess at Sam's. You should also check with Howard Silverman at Howard's Wine Cellar on Belmont. It would also be worth you while to see Andre Peters at Binny's on Clark Street, or Kevin Biegler at Binny's on Grand. I have, within the past few months, seen actual bottles on the shelf at Sandburg Wine Cellar (contact Alan Blum), and Randolph Wine Cellar (check w/ Perry or Brenda).

Fer Christ's sake folks, it's just grape juice!
Tenniswino -

The Caymus vertical tasting hasn't been scheduled yet - the wine is stored ~30 miles away, so stays out of mind most of the time.

I'll also be at CES Thursday and Friday if you'd like to do some wine tasting there! Friday's pretty well booked, but Thursday is open right now.

Yes, but I love that form of grape juice!

Thanks VERY MUCH for the suggestions. I live in Naperville, so don't get to all the Chicago wine stores as much as I'd like. I'm going to take a pilgrimage next weekend! Thanks.