Are record rumors true?

Rumor has it that DCC has a new owner and is going to start making albums again. As stated it's a rumor to me. Anyone have any information on what if true? While we're at it, does anyone know why Classic Records stopped issuing Mercury Living Presence albums?
trebleclef: here's what the related hyperlinked text sez:

DCC is NOT dead. The ownership of the company is being transferred, and it is taking a very, very long time. Lawyers and courts and depositions, blah, blah. Very frustrating for us music folks, but par for the course in the real world of takeovers, I guess. Anyway, when DCC gets its transplant and gets discharged from the hospital, I WILL TELL YOU. Anyway, there is no sense in updating the DCC website before the new owner gives his input. I know that the (possibly) new owner dislikes Forums. Oh oh. So, regarding the information on the DCC Forum, .....Holy Zoo is going to archive it for us.

I also heard that Music Direct was taking over the old MoFi rights and re-releasing them. Any word on that rumor?

This thread is not going too well! Any reliable info the vinyl titles? How about the Classic Mercury information? Frankly, SACD is an expensive experiement at this point, something the audiophile commiunity should leave to the majors to possibly fall on their faces. DVD-A too. There are plenty of terrific titles available at anyone's local Tower.But, am I the only one watching the possible disintigration of Tower Records and such? Did anyone else see the Wall Street Journal articles last summer about getting a survival loan to avoid bankruptcy? Patricia Barber is a fine artist for sure, but I wouldn't give up the day job if I were Music Direct (another company I would sorely miss if economically evaporated, as I'm a regular customer). About a year and a half ago on the back of one of their mailers, MD had a survey asking what to release on the new MOFI line, limited to five suggestions. Any guesses on how many music lovers said Paricia Barber on SACD? Among my five were Neil Young's Comes A Time, Joni Mitchell's Blue, Who's Quardophenia and two others I can't remember now. And all on vinyl (which was their specific question). Before DCC went whatever, they released Blue on gold CD and promised a vinyl.DCC'c demise was unfortunate but the same fate could easliy happen to others. Blue was mentioned in audiophile circles and mag rags often. I'd spend twice the amount for a classy MOFI/DCC vinyl reissue long before I would delve into SACD. I couldn't care less about the new owner not liking forums.The audiophile economic pie isn't very elastic. The magazines and audiophile music companies are in the same pie chasing the same dollars. Everything's a compromise. I buy the mags when relevant to me, not every issue. But I read every issue. The same for the CD's and vinyl. They have to find me, the consumer. To re-fi MO-FI is the equilivant of a sinking ship taking on water.If memory serves me right MOFI went broke reissuing too many mediocre titles. Just how many Bee Gee Trafalger albums did they sell at $25, as opposed to Muddy Waters Folksinger? And, are they all going to buy the new one on Classic.There were plenty of the Classic version at a record show last weekend. Dealer sold not one! But enough, anyone care to shed some light onto tht other question posed, why no more Mercury Living Presence from Classic?