VPI cleaner clear tubes cracking

I've had several clear tubes on my VPI cleaner crack after a while. The cracks start out small near the pivot end and gradually spread. I'm tired of replacing these tubes and want to fabricate my own from a stronger material. Anyone encounter this situation?
Mine has never developed any cracking. I don't use alcohol-based solutions, nor do I add any to the VPI solution. VPI actually suggests that adding alcohol is OK (up to 25%, I think)! So, they don't see it as a problem, but it might be worth asking them.

While I have the floor: I use the VPI cleaning solution. Are there real merits to using a different one or a homebrew?
Hi CPD: regarding different record cleaning solutions: Record Research Labs Vinyl Wash was compared to a number of others (not by me, another member ran the test) the findings were that the RRL did not leave behind its' own sonic signature, compared to the others tested.
I think Albert may have been the one who conducted the test regarding RRL solutions, Bob. In any event, I have done the same, comparing the RRL solutions (Deep Cleaner and Super Vinyl Wash) to VPI, Disc Doctor, and two home brews for which I found recipes. The RRL products were the winners hands-down, at least for me using my VPI 16.5.