What the heck is a power cord?

I mean I hate to be a dunce but have been around this site for an hour now and saw some for sale and saw them talked about in this forum but cannot tell exactly what they are. Are they the cord that goes from an amplifier to the 120v wall socket? If that is the case, does one open their unit and disconnect their old at the power terminals and connect these? Or are they in series? Help me out, with some plain english, thanks.
Welcome to the money pit:~). Once you've invested a couple grand in power cords you'll need a power conditioner to plug them into. Then plug that into the wall but not until you run those dedicated circuits from your electrical panel. After that it's all down hill just figure about a grand for each pair of interconnects and two grand for speaker cables. Have I mentioned components and speakers yet? Figure about thirty thousand for a basic rig. And please don't get me started on sub-woofers, component stands, plasma screens, center channels and, and, and oh yea how about a vast collection of software. Figure a thousand cd's for starters and if you’re a movie buff five hundred DVD's should get you up to speed. We'll talk about vinyl a little bit later.

Welcome to Audiogon, you are now what we call an Audiophile so crack open that checkbook and lets get started!!!

In all honesty Rome wasn't built in an hour but if you stick around you'll learn more then you need to know and have better sound than you could ever imagine.

Sincerely welcome to the web site and feel free to ask lots of questions.
The cords are mostly removeable cords as mentioned. The are for gear with and IEC power cord socket. What is an IEC socket? Look at what the power cord on your PC is plugged into. If you are ambitious you could hard wire a better cord to a component without an IEC, or you could have an IEC socket added.
Glen, you forgot to mention the $50.00 PS audio power port for the dedicated line. I dont think a 99 cent leviton is going to be audio grade in this application.
I have $12,000 or so wrapped up in my equipment but at some point, it seems to me, one gets to the point of diminishing return. I live in a 200 year old farmhouse and the electrical outlet my stereo is plugged into was probably the one installed when electricity was invented. I think, as a test, I will replace the outlet and see if I can hear a difference. If I do I will be amazed but it will prove the point. Because in stereo equipment isn't the first place the electricity goes is an isolation transformer? Could be wrong, been so before. I'll post one way or another, Thanks....Jim
Jim, As long as your having fun with this hobby that's all that matters. I stand corrected on the receptacle please forgive me Haoleb I don't know what I was thinking:^)