What the heck is Resolution Audio

two people keep bringing up Resolution Audio cd players in posts. Does anyone else have any experience with them or even ever heard of them, or do we just have two company employees corupting Audiogon...
Resolution Audio absolutely makes the VERY BEST digital equipment I have heard Their one box player the CD55 is the best value on the high end market $3000 It is better than the Levinson 39, the Wadia 860 and the Accuphase DP 75 I have owned them all and they are all two to three times the price of the CD 55 The CD 55 has a true analog pre-amp built into the player so you can connect direct to your power amp Eliminating the pre-amp and additional intercinnects from the signal path Sonic Heaven
I'm not employed by Resolution and I'm not corrupting anyone (my children are still young, though), and the CD55 is the absolute BEST digital playback I have ever heard. I've owned or have friends that own many of the top brands, including dcs, sony sacd, and the top line Levinson separates. I strongly encourage you to listen to the cd55 if you're in the market for new digital equipment.
I resent the implication, and who are you to imply it? You need to educate yourself more about highend companies, before you make a fool of yourself. Good day...
CAN't say it any better then carl,seems your a flavor of the month tbonephile.