What the heck is Resolution Audio

two people keep bringing up Resolution Audio cd players in posts. Does anyone else have any experience with them or even ever heard of them, or do we just have two company employees corupting Audiogon...
I resent the implication, and who are you to imply it? You need to educate yourself more about highend companies, before you make a fool of yourself. Good day...
CAN't say it any better then carl,seems your a flavor of the month tbonephile.
Carl, first let me say I have enjoyed reading many of your posts and find the information you give very valuable. I feel your equipment reviews are very credible. As a person who is an enthusiast and just beginning to enter the high-end (I'm only 29) it is unbiased information such as yours that educate me the most. (Now that I'm done sucking up ha,ha) I think you should give Tbone a little slack. I only found this sight a few months ago and have enjoyed it tremendously. I have bought and sold and have learned a ton. I am now a regular reader. In the beginning, however, I was not aware of every high end manufacturer out there and have learned about many of them based on postings and opinions. Also in the beginning, I also didn't know who were regular contributors or not. Now after this time, I know Carl, you are a regular. After reading many ofyour contributions, that's how I know you can be trusted and you also know what you are talking about. There are, however, many posts that are outright advertisements by individuals, who clearly are biased and seek to make some sort of gain. Others postings you sometimes are unsure about. So for a new person who just started visiting audiogon, it is sometimes unclear if all the information is credible. I think T-bone just asked a simple question and was trying to gather more information. Carl, since I know you enjoy sharing information, please don't beat him up for that.
P_mmk, as I said, I still don't like the implication. Jeff Kalt at Resolution is just the BEEESSST digital guy out there, and neither he nor his colleagues would EVER resort to such foolishness. FOR ONE THING, THEY DON'T NEED TO. I hear they are highly respected consultants to other companies, besides designing and building their own stunning/world beating components............Anyway, I'm "young" too (only 31), and can be a hotheaded jerk sometimes...perhaps that can be my perrogative, just as you say it is a newcomer's perrogative to not know all the manufacturers, and perhaps also come off as a jerk of sorts. I do thank you very much for your kind sentiments about my contributions to this forum, and hope Tom and Neil will view this in my favor in the future, and they know what I'm talking about.