Many power line filters are placed "in series" with the existing wiring also. Their benefits are easily noticeable under specific conditions and measurable if you have the proper test equipment.
As such, a smaller amount of "filter action" can be designed and built into a power cord. This too SHOULD be measurable. One of these days, i'll finish up the mods that i need to do to my Audioprism AC Sniffer and do just that. Until then, i do not doubt that a power cord can effect the quality of AC being fed into the component. I too was a skeptic until i tried it for myself. Sean
As such, a smaller amount of "filter action" can be designed and built into a power cord. This too SHOULD be measurable. One of these days, i'll finish up the mods that i need to do to my Audioprism AC Sniffer and do just that. Until then, i do not doubt that a power cord can effect the quality of AC being fed into the component. I too was a skeptic until i tried it for myself. Sean