Musical Heritage Society LP's

I recently stumbled upon an abundant source of MHS classical LP's that seem to be in excellent condition. Anybody have experience with these productions? How is the sound quality? Performances? Should I buy them all (for quite cheap) and add mass to my bookshelf? Thanks to those in the know!
I agree with all of the above posts, and would encourage you to invest in these LPs. They are very good to excellent sonically, and the performances usually do not disappoint! Go for it!

They have catalog numbers on them. The ones that I picked up start in the 300's and end up in the 2300's or so. I have seen later digital LP's by MHS and even have a few CD's by them.

As far as the range that I own goes, I have never noticed the later ones sounding better/worse, though I have looked @ even later ones in the thrifts that are pressed on thin/flimsy stock.