Best used class A amp with Wadia 860x

Just purchased my first High end CD Player, a used (4 month old) Wadia 860x and now i need recommendations for an amp that will do it justice. I'm not sure if i should be looking for a Class "A" amp or other ?? My speakers are B&W N803's and I'm looking to connect the Wadia direct to the amp. I've been thinking that I should be looking for a used Mark Levinson, Plinius, Jeff Rowland or Pass Labs X Series. Any suggestions including model #'s would be very helpful. Thank's in advance, Jerry
Couple of years back, when i worked in Las Vegas, i had chance to meet, with BIG league in Hi-Fi world. In hotel/casino, where i worked, over the span of 10 years, Audio Research, Martin Logan, Classe, Theta, Mark Levinson and Wadia, had their "gear" set-up, in "our" "convention suits'". The last year, i worked there Wadia had their room shared with Avalon Osiris, VAC mono's and Z-SYSTEMS rdp-1 reference! Digital ONLY tonal control! It willalow you to corect the tonal inbalance between speakers and source. As i was told, this was their "Award Winning set-up". I know, it is a lot of money ($5000 new) plus for the Amp, but if you can afford? Go for THE BEST! I would also suggest VAC 30/30 Mk III, or VTL MB-450 sig. monos, coupled with Z-system. Don't forget that "....ultimate quality of 860x, is achieved with the internal volume control disabled" Regards!
Hi Jeraza, I think people would better advise you if we knew what speakers you will be driving with the amps. Also what your taste in music is, how loud you like to listen, which qualities appeal to you in reproduction of sound? The more insite you give the better your advise will be. Sincerely, Tom
I think the Pass Labs Aleph series is truly amazing. My Aleph 4 is a two stage pure class A and since they have been replaced with a newer class a/b line (x series), you can get them for great prices.