Live at Carnegie Hall

I have a number of recordings that were done at Carnegie Hall, everything from the ones everyone knows like the Weavers, and Belefonte, to people I usually wouldn't have listened to like Flatt and Scruggs and Lenny Bruce and Peter, Paul and Mary. All of them seem to be well recorded and a lot of fun to listen to.
I was wondering if there is anyplace on the internet where you can find a listing of all the artists that have recorded there?
Don't forget "Judy at Carnegie Hall," which many critics consider to be Miss Garland's premier work. I own the Steve Hoffman remastered Gold CD version, and the sound quality is as good as you could reasonably expect for a recording of its vintage.
408 titles! Dang, they must have both kinds of music, Country and Western,LOL. Wonder how much is available on vinyl.
I don't know about Judy Garland but, if I stumble across the record I'll give it a shot. What kind of music does Renaissance play?
Here is the all music guide link for the band Renaissance: