I would like to mention that I was no in no way disrespecting Tube World. I have never done business with them, but if this is Brendon/Brandon's (sp) business, then he comes highly recommended by people I know (& no I did not receive an email from them in regard to my above posts:-).
In context, when I was away from our home "far" too often working (been off work four years now) I would not have blinked an eye @ an $80, or so, "taking care of the details" charge as everything takes time (time is money when operating as business), plus I could easily afford it then.
I was just noting that there are usually less expensive alternatives to those who prefer doing the grunt work themselves, which is pretty much a universal concept.
Of course, in the context of this thread, the responsibility of finding a reputable cryo facility (if not going through a dealer -w- a guarantee), would be up to the individual and hopefully the tubes would not end up being placed between layers of "Hungry Man" TV dinners.