Dan: Whatever you try, I would focus the search on cables with a reputation for deep bass response (as well as sounding nice throughout the rest of the spectrum of course:-). Even if they have full but "somewhat" loose bass they may still work fine with the Maggie's, which are very tight in this region. All of your equipment is considered to be neutral to light in the bass (depends on one's frame of reference) and I feel that this approach may give you better sound. Nothing wrong with the gear (the Forte should push the Maggie's nicely), just saying that this is the basic plan that I would follow in your case as synergy is everything. Unfortunately I do not have any recommendations in what seems to be your price range, but am certain that others will, who have tried more cables than I. Even if your gear has captive power cords, you might also look into upgrading these @ some point. Nothing expensive, but something that will not limit current (maybe the DIY power cords noted @ Audioasylum based on Mr. Crump's design). Subaguru (@ this site) has also made some DIY PC's (power cords) lately that he feels are nice. The power cords will also add to the bass in your system, from my experience.