Will new power cords by my answer?

After years of buying, selling and upgrading, I finally feel I have assembled a system that's "this close" to what I'm listening for-but it's still missing something.
What I'm hoping to achieve is the following:
1. More resolution/clarity. Presentation sounds slightly veiled.
2. That elusive tighter bass.

I'm thinking new audiophile power cords-of which I have none, may be the answer.What do you think?

Cary 303 on a Townsend Seizmic Sink
Rogue 66 Magnum w/upgraded Mullards in the line
Odyssey Stratos
Harmonic Tech Pro Silway 11's IC
Nordost Blue Heaven Rev 2"s spkr. cable
All except Stratos plugged into a Monster Cable HTS 3000 conditioner
Snell Type D speakers

As always, thank you posters for your time and feedback!
Do you have at least two but preferably three dedicated circuits in place? I would couple that with some better power cords and a better power conditioner to obtain optimum performance.

In the past I have asked myself the same questions you are asking. In faith I added the power cords first. (no big change) Then the power conditioner (helped a little) Then the dedicated circuits with isolated grounding and dedicated neutrals. (PAY DIRT!!!) That's when the last two upgrades paid off, lowering the noise floor dramatically in addition to other positive sonic improvements.
I have recently been auditioning power cords myself since I have finally acheived close enough to Audio Nirvana with my 2-channel system in my dedicated listening room. Here are my results for what it is worth.

MIT Z-Cord: - You can purchase them for $50.00 @ HCM Audio
(Better than OEM cords, Quieter and Smoother sounding when used on my Amplifier, DAC, and Transport with better bass definition. Not a huge difference, but noticable)

XLO ER-10 Green Jacket Cord with updated Wattgate Ends: (This cord was a more dramatic difference and has a HUGE effect on the bass, The bass seemed deeper and more full and the midrange truly came slightly forward with nice extended highs. Not quite as smooth as the MIT but very enjoyable, not bright by any means)

Shunyata Black Mamba: My friend just purchased this cable and I will tell you that the difference I heard was huge. The bass was much like the XLO but my system gained a sense of Air and Pace I had not witnessed. However, this cable is very much on the WARM to Smooth side of the fence. I was FLOORED by this cable and it seemed to work better on my system than my friends. These results are based on using this cord with my amplifier. I am now trying it with a power strip and my DAC. If your system is already slightly veiled, I would reccomend that you look into the Viper2 by Shunyata. Apparently it is not as smooth in the top end.

Anyway, my two cents for what it is worth..

Associated Equipment for evalaution

Electrocompaniet ECI-3 AMP
Theta Digital Pro Basic II DAC
Pioneer Elite PD-65 Transport
Sonus Faber Concertino HOME on Sonus Faber Stands
XLO Reference Type 5 Speaker Wire
XLO Reference Type 1 Interconnect
AudioQuest Digital 75 Ohm Cable
This is nice 'gear' that you have, but i would look elsewhere for:..." More resolution/clarity. Presentation sounds slightly veiled". Rogue 66...perhaps the weakest link?
I don't know of a system that couldn't benefit from a power cord upgrade. However, much like ics & speaker cables they will change the overall sound. Thus, it may require some trial and error.

If I may offer a place to start there are currently a pair of BMI Eeels at auction for $400. These cables have recieved good reviews and if your not pleased I'm sure there is another gonner who would be glad to snatch them up from you.

