Balanced to RCA Adapters

Has any Audiogon member utilized an adapter for converting RCA single ended output to Balanced. I seen at Purist Audio website describes these My primary current setup is cd player direct to amp utilizing balanced output. I would like to connect home theater single ended output for occasional use without purchasing additional separate single ended cables. I wonder if their would be an sound quality issue utilizing these adapters? I think these devices retail for $150.00 a pair. Thanks for any comments.
The two options available to you are buying the adaptors, as you suggest, or buying new cable. If you have very good quality cable, and the $150.00 price of the adaptors is proportional to the price of the cable (not too much), then go for it. Remember though there are good quality cables for about what these adaptors cost, including the excellent Elementa series from Purist Audio, where you are already looking.
You can make adaptors rather inexpensively and easily from quality parts from Michael Percy Audio. He has a web site. If you are unsure of how to do it, he can help you.
I'm using adapters right now on my Balanced audio technologies vk-200 amp. I have a passive preamp that doesn't have balanced ins or outs and I will never give up my passive for a powered preamp. DON'T BY CHEAP ADAPTERS. I have cheap ones and it sounded good but when I took them apart they had super cheap very small guage stranded wire in them so I put some solid core wire in there instead. It's still not thick enough but the sound difference is phenominal. Way more bass, waaaay deeper soundstage and way better imaging. huge difference. I WAS JUST ASKING SOMEONE WHERE TO GET HIGH QUALITY ADAPTERS but they had no idea. THANKS SENICKOLS. Anyways if you do want cheap ones you can get them from the company that makes my amp B.A.T. I have a very purist and revealing system so you may not even notice a difference if you use the cheap ones depending on your gear (or upgrade them like I did. It's a pain in the but though). Anyways if you pay $150 for the ones you want then it will definitly sound good and should in no way degrade the sound. Hey it might even sound better.
I'd go with the Michael Percy advice, as I've dealt with him and been pleased with his service and expertise. But Kacz, let me relate my experience with wires, in a passive preamp (which I too prefer over ANY active one--I'm selling a CAT SL-1 III). I used Kimber AGSS at first, multistranded 19 gauge silver, in a passive with Shallco switches and Holco resistors. When I changed to 36 gauge wire, supplied by the maker of Stealth cables, the improvement was huge! Read the Malcolm Omar Hawksford article, "The Essex Echo", reprinted in Stereophile a couple of years ago, and see if you still believe wire for line level signals should be thick. I can't follow the math and physics, but my ears tell me, NO!