Digital Amps. How good are they?

Just wondering if anyone has auditioned any of these amps. I know Dunlavy uses Spectron Amps to audion some of their speakers at shows. Other amps are from Bel Canto, Tact,Jeff rowlands. some of the reviews are highly positive
While both the TACT and Bel Canto are "digital amps", the newer pieces from Jeff Rowland are not. Jeff does use a very sophisticated switching power supply in his latest designs, but the amplifier section are linear designs. The advantages that can be gained from a digital amplifier (class D or PWM) are a reduction in thermal requirements, improved efficiency, and fault tolerance. This could result in a lower priced amplifier (for a given power capability) with decent performance (perhaps nearly as good as a really good linear design). The down side is the potential of RFI and excessive HF energy. Kevin Halverson
Just look how many people you see reselling their digital amps (not very many ).I think that speaks for itself.
Moonshyn, you don't see anyone reselling their digital amps because virtually no one has bought one.
I've got one coming for in home demo to try.I'll let you guys know the results.The Bel Canto that is.
Phill,I think the thousands of happy Spectron owners would disagree with you.These amps have other manufacturers scrambling to produce a simmilar amp.Moonshyn.