Digital Amps. How good are they?

Just wondering if anyone has auditioned any of these amps. I know Dunlavy uses Spectron Amps to audion some of their speakers at shows. Other amps are from Bel Canto, Tact,Jeff rowlands. some of the reviews are highly positive
Sedond, "bank account?" Bank accounts are for 10 year olds! BWAHAHAHAHA! Obviously you have no money. Loser.
(sy)phill(ys), i dont have the avantgarde trios in my house cuz they're *ugly* - how 'bout ewe? only can afford the duo's, eh? BWAHAHAHAHA! obviously, ewe have no life. pity. regards, doug
I'm at 90 hrs. now with the Bel Canto. One thing about this amp I'm not sure I like is it is exremely revealing,if you play a cd that's just a hair less than perfect this amp ruthlessly brings it to your attention. Maybe that will change as break in continues, I hope so, as this is a real world and not all cds are audiophile quality.A little more forgiving please.
hi philefreak. got a vinyl set-up? i'd be curious how your reaction would be to it w/the bel-canto. seems a *lot* of equipment needs to be made to sound *less real*, w/digital playback... doug
Sedond, I don't do vinyl. But have been considering it. Do you think that vinyl is a better match w/ a revealing amp such as the Bel Canto EVo? This thing is very accurate,allmost to the point of overly analytical, very dynamic and forward. Maybe they would work better w/ hungry speakers. My Talon's are 90.5 db.