If you are talking jukeboxes, I'm not sure you're going to hear any significant difference using the digital outs. Perhaps with a higher end piece like the Denon 5000. If you are using solely for party/background (non-critical listening) I'd go with a cheap changer and your DAC. If your DAC only has one digital input, save it for a good single play CD transport, and get a little better changer and use its analog output. I think the Sony ES, Pioneer Elite, and above-mentioned Denon have some of the better analog outs. Don't even think about a jukebox without a keyboard input - major PIA. If you want a five-disc, OneCall has the HK 8550 right now for 200 - dual 20-bit BB1702's, HDCD decoding - should be the later models with the quality problems fixed. The previously-mentioned (Marantz, Parasound, CAL) are good choices as well as the Adcom GCD-700. Good luck!