Records are better. I actually heard it

Just went to a friend's house whose dad has a (somewhat low end) audiophile system. He had on a couple CD's in the background, but once we started talking audio stuff, he plopped on a record.

And I actually heard with my own ears how much better records sound than CD's! Granted, maybe his CD player was crappy, but really so was his record player. He bought the table at the swap meet for like $50 (supposedly great for bargain tables and records as well), and added a $200 MC cartridge.

But the music, oh the music. I had always just assumed it was going to take a ridiculously expensive system for me to be able to hear the difference. But no. The music was alive. Like it was right there, that's the only way to describe it. And it flowed. The highs seemed effortless and non-fatiguing. The record even had some scratches or whatever in it so that it crackled and popped a bit, but even with this I still preferred it.

I need to find a way to make room, but I don't think I'm going to be able to hold off on getting a turntable for very long. Is there anyone who thinks it would be a big mistake to follow in my friend's dad's footsteps and buy an old table at the swap meet for $50 and add a nice $200 MC cartridge to it? He's picking up records at the swap meet for $1-$2 apiece. That's an entry cost of like $300 for sound that appears to kill CD sound.
You mean I'm really not crazy after all? :^)

Actually, I think you are doing just fine, and let your ears be the judge. There have been alot of recommendations on this board over the months and years, and you can do a search of the archives for many suggestions.
I second that Twl!
My epiphany was verified when my own non-audiophile wife commented after a record side ended one evening: "that sounded better than any CD I've ever heard. Now I understand". Friends think I'm crazy when I tell them vinyl really does sound better than digits. It only takes one listen for them to see the light. Welcome aboard! Rest assured that a very satisfying vinyl setup can be had without a massive cash infusion.
Well, yes you are, Tom, but that is the subject for another thread! :-) Seriously, though, it is good to see younger blood bitten by the analog bug. Do me a favor, Matt, SPREAD THE WORD to your compadres as my son is doing. Just don't frequent my used LP haunts! ;-)
Digital ? CD ? What the hell is that ?
I only knew about needle and big 12"CD's.

Buy that analog set up and welcome to real music !
There is a beautiful Acoustic Research AR ES-1 with a Sumiko arm and Ortofon cartridge with extras for sale here right now for $500.
So much to choose little time!