Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?

This is my first "dip" into the world of power cords. I have read a few good things about these (and the price is right!). What are some opinions? I have the REGA Mira and the Planet 2000.
Sam, as you know I'm pretty new to all of this, especially power cords. So I was shocked that such a change could occur from just the wall to the component.

I haven't really been into headphones since the 70's. But that was more to hide the fact from my parents that I was laughing so hard because it wasn't music but Richard Pryor and George Carlin that I was listening to sometimes. I use a pair of Grado SR60s here at work for MP3s and Quake3, but I've never played with the better offerings out there.

Audio Aero Capitole?!!! Wholly cow, that's sweet. I just got a Kora Hermes last week and have really fallen in love with it so much so that I may end up selling my Bel Canto DAC 1.1 soon. It's very good, but not as refined and natural as the Kora.

Back to PCs, I just couldn't bring myself to purchase a gang of BMI Whale Elites for $4-500 per. I'm so glad there are such affordable offerings these days.

Don't wait too long...Pull that trigger now!!!!
OPPPS! Just saw what the new retail price is on Aero Capitole 24/192, out of my league. I will keep waiting for new Bel Canto update or check out more resaonable CDP with newest DAC technology, haven't gotten too serious yet.

Another reason I like AC cords like Absolutes is they are flexible/lightweight and easy to use with bearing isolation, and route behind rack. It sometimes looks silly and is physically diffucult to have one of those monster AC cords attached to a small DAC for instance.
I ordered some of these and plugged them all in (5) and there was no difference in sound from my previous cables (Audioquest AC-12 with Hubbells, home terminated). While the price is ok for these, they are stranded wire, not particularly large gauge, and made in China for next to nothing. There is nothing special going on with these cords. To the extent that people claim them as world beaters, I can only conclude that the whole ultra high $$$$ power cord market is mostly a sham anyway. But Bill Parish is a smart marketer!
Personally, I can't tell the difference among interconnects (digital and analog) or speaker cables these days either, and I'm getting a little crazy about how much I've spent on cables in the last few years when RS would have been as good (just not sexy).
Thanks KP and Gunbie for your feedback. Maybe I should try a Virtual dynamics cord on the sim. Food for thought. Lloyd
No kidding Sam, these Virtual Dynamics Power 2 cords ARE hard to bend, but I think that depends on which ones you get. Mine are 7/8" thick tree branches, but some of the other VDs have three strands making them easier to bend and twist behind racks.

Bluenose, give Rick Schultz of Virtual Dynamics a call before ordering anything. He's in Canada, and not the same Ric Schultz who does those great digital mods. I'm sure he has at least six levels of PCs so you can definitely find one in your price range. Rick will give you a 14 day trial period on any of his cords and cables, so check the classifieds here for more info on the cables and how to contact him.

Good luck!