anyone ever build their own T.T.?

I have enough parts from various old quality tables to pretty much build one,so I am tempted to do so.
Anyone ever build one up from scratch? If so,how did it turn out? Any pitfalls to avoid when designing one?
Hey Mogear.
I built a table and arm a few years back. Wanted something I couldn't afford so I built the damn thing. Analog rules in my book and this table is a testament to that. Images can be viewed at: If it spurs your curiosity, email me with questions and I'll be happy to answer and help any way I can.

Good Luck!
Robert- Those pics look awesome. Might you give some general information on what you have done in building what looks like a formidable table? They say a pic is worth a thousand words, but.....
Ridgestreetaudio, that looks like a nice job that you did with your TT. Congratulations.
I second (or third) everyone's comments and compliments. Your turntable appears to be way ahead of itÂ’s time in both design and cosmetics.

Dare we ask how it performs?