anyone ever build their own T.T.?

I have enough parts from various old quality tables to pretty much build one,so I am tempted to do so.
Anyone ever build one up from scratch? If so,how did it turn out? Any pitfalls to avoid when designing one?
Robert- Those pics look awesome. Might you give some general information on what you have done in building what looks like a formidable table? They say a pic is worth a thousand words, but.....
Ridgestreetaudio, that looks like a nice job that you did with your TT. Congratulations.
I second (or third) everyone's comments and compliments. Your turntable appears to be way ahead of it’s time in both design and cosmetics.

Dare we ask how it performs?
Jeez....such interest from such esteemed enthusiasts! Gentlemen, I'm flattered and humbled! I will post a more thorough description for you folks in the next couple of days. Thank you Dave, Francisco, TWL, and Albert.

Kind Regards,