Would you sleep better at night if.....

I'm not a big "cable guy" (yet) but if YOU had the oppty to switch from 50 (15 meters) foot runs of Transparent Ultra RCA's to Balanced Transparent Ultra XLR's of the same length for an additional $2500, would you do it? (Or devote these funds to another upgrade?

Most likely, since the runs are through walls, I will have to split some sheetrock and have them terminated on-site by the dealer.

I have very little noise now, but it may help me sleep better at night (or worse, depending on one's perspective :)

I'm also very curious as to how much the overall sound quality would improve in a room that seems to me to be bass-shy. (I thought 750 watts into the Salons would rattle the windows, but not yet).

My system consists of a Classe CP-60 preamp, Classe CAM-350 monoblocks, Rega Planet CD player and Revel Salon speakers.

Thanks in advance for your comments, Gentlemen and Ladies.
Cellorover: Thanks for your suggestion. I have spoken to Transparent a number of times. They are great people and very helpful...but they do want to sell cabling. They tell me its the thing to do to lower the noise floor and improve the overall sonics. However, they don't claim that it will make a DRAMATIC difference either so this is why I asked. I'm sure Karen is great, just like Jim Shannon and Doug Blackwell have been. Probably the best customer service organization in cabling I've experienced to-date.
$2500 is a lot of money. I can't imagine that you would be better off spending that on some other component than cables. You could buy a decent analog rig and a bunch of albums for that kind of money.

Don't get hung up on equipment, buy some music.
I completed 2 pairs of DIY silver interconnects about a month ago. I have never heard bass so tight and with such impact. It auditioned Bryston 7B-ST's in my system for a week prior to this. My current setup laughs at the 7B-ST's.
Jazzdude: Thanks for the reply, but I don't fully understand your comments. How did you terminate the DIY interconnects? What amps are you using?
I have all Classe equipment and under the advice of Robert at Classe Audio I switched to balanced interconnects. The difference is very significant but Im mot sure its $2500 worth of change. If you are going to upgrade the level of the cables I would say its worth it but if you are going to replace them with the same model then I think $2500 would make a greater difference elsewhere.

I have noticed that Classe equipment likes good cables.