What do you know about Avid turntables?

Does anyone own one? Rogue audio is carrying the Avid line and I believe they're from England. That's about all I know. Larry from Hollywood Sound raves about them. Any info?
I own one and I've been extremely happy with it. What specifically would you like to know about the table? It uses a lot of the technology from the Acutus turntable. I have the original version, he now has a newer version called the Volvere Sequel that adds the power supply from the Acutus which is supposed to improve performance even more. The table is fully suspended with a very heavy platter and an inverted saphire bearing. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Anything Larry endorses is probably stellar...he has been in the business a long time...and to no surprise...an analog guy...I would definitely check them out....
I was in the market for a 'table & when I spoke to Larry (from whom I bought my previous MMF5) he told me that if I wanted a budget but very good sounding 'table I should go for the Nott. Interspace & Interspace arm. *IF* I had the money, he told me, then I should buy the "mother of all 'tables" (his words) & buy the Avid Volvere & put a Wheaton Triplanar tonearm on it.

I did some searches on Google, Yahoo & the Avid site. This wasn't a planned research (i.e. I didn't keep the addresses of the websites) but whatever little I read (mostly on UK websites) I learnt that the Volvere is a solid 'table in both construction & sonic perf. that could very well be one's last 'table purchase.

In my research I also found that the Volvere costs 1400 UK Pounds & the Acutus 5000 UK Pounds. Today the USD-GBP exchange rate is 1GBP = $1.64USD, which makes the Volvere $2296! It is still being sold for $4000. Conrad Mas informed me that price was set long time back when the exchange rate was different! I'm sure that there is an import mark-up included in that $4000 price.

A friend bought a Volvere after listening to it at Larry 's place (who sales VPI , Michell , Nottingham as well ) It was the obvious choice in this price range . I purchased one myself that I use with a SME V arm ( Avid turntables come with a SME armboard and were designed around this tonearm brand).As mentionned by Yorock , Avid came up with a new model called Sequel which uses a different motor/PSU in a more affordable box than the one on the Acutus .It retails for 1500 UK pounds for people who would like to upgrade Volvere to Sequel .The Volvere was reviewed in Hifi + with the Acutus .Listener reviewed the Acutus .http://www.avidhifi.co.uk