Incidentally, I have tried bearlabs speaker cable on esl with very good results. Note that I use these cables on my regular system too, so it's a reflection of taste.. Also take into account that the ESL in question has an erratic impendance curve (+1 ohm to around 20 ohm). I used a 10ft pair (IF that makes any difference).
For the record, this cable was tonally balanced & reasonably FAST -- by which I mean that transients, following one another, were subjectively perceived as appearing in quicker succession (good point, Detlof & Rives!) -- than with another cable.
For the record, this cable was tonally balanced & reasonably FAST -- by which I mean that transients, following one another, were subjectively perceived as appearing in quicker succession (good point, Detlof & Rives!) -- than with another cable.