dCS vs. Dodson DACs

Does anyone have experience with both the dCS Delius (or Elgar) and Dodson DA-217 (preferably the lastest, the Mk II D)? Thoughts? Thanks.
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Hi I've been auditioning the Dodson and Elgar/972 from dCS. They are both excellent, very good resolution with very little if any digital artifacts. I'm not quite through with the audition since i want to give each unit another couple of days to fully warm up and settle in. Overall the dCS gear is the clear winner; simply sounds more like live music and has greater 3-d spatial effects. All whilw still sounding ultra smooth and liquid. The Dodson is definitley no slouch. Very high resolution and transparent sound stage. May have a little more dynamic punch than the dCS but thats probably becuase it needs an active line stage while the dCS runs straight into the amps. Given the price differential the dodson is the winner in terms of value, by a wide margin. But you will ahve to spring for a good line stage so the price difference is not a large as you would intially think. The dCS in unique in its ability to capture the sound as if you were there. It has somewhat better delicacy of detail without sounding HIFI, just natural. The Dodson's detail seems a little more artificial. The 972 (pro version of the Purcell) also can process DSD so if i ever get a transport than can read SACD I will already have the processor. So, again the difference in price is not so great as it first seems but it is still a fairly wide chasm between to the two. Of you have a very high resolution system I would say that you will appreciate the dCS gear more. Otherwise you cannot go seriously wrong with the Dodson. I hope this helps.
Great comments. Thanks very much. I am waiting on a Dodson eval unit and have already tried the Delius (without Purcell), so I'll post my comments when I'm through.
One question for you, 90493. I found the Delius to be a bit on the side of forward-sounding. How would you compare the two brands in this regard? -Dan