Oh, man you gotta realy-realy love Linn to speak for it like Brookwood!
I do not attack rather than personally loving something Linn-ish but with more detail blended with music...
I'm also someway skeptical to highly priced tonearms and would still much more spend on table/cartridge. There is not too much sonic difference I heard between Michell Orbe/Kuzma Stogi and Michell Orbe/SMEIV with the same Helikon cartridge. Wilson Act.5 is also excellent budget tonearm that will work magics even with mega-priced decks. Tonearm to me, if above $1k has the smallest diminishing return in analogue playback.
I'm skeptical to Teres! Even despite I fully believe you that it's a nice deck in general simply by the same reason you're skeptical to Volvare. I also know that not too many nice-guy dealers left to realy do a great demo job with analogue. First, it's obvious that no dealer will allow customer to play with $9...10k analogue setup and must play it himself. Second, swapping tonearms requires VTA, tracking force and other neccessary adjustements to be made to demostrate the difference(truly pain!).
I do not attack rather than personally loving something Linn-ish but with more detail blended with music...
I'm also someway skeptical to highly priced tonearms and would still much more spend on table/cartridge. There is not too much sonic difference I heard between Michell Orbe/Kuzma Stogi and Michell Orbe/SMEIV with the same Helikon cartridge. Wilson Act.5 is also excellent budget tonearm that will work magics even with mega-priced decks. Tonearm to me, if above $1k has the smallest diminishing return in analogue playback.
I'm skeptical to Teres! Even despite I fully believe you that it's a nice deck in general simply by the same reason you're skeptical to Volvare. I also know that not too many nice-guy dealers left to realy do a great demo job with analogue. First, it's obvious that no dealer will allow customer to play with $9...10k analogue setup and must play it himself. Second, swapping tonearms requires VTA, tracking force and other neccessary adjustements to be made to demostrate the difference(truly pain!).