Marakanetz, I can only relate the comparisons that I am aware of. I have not compared to SPJ LaLuce. But the Teres 255 has been compared to the Clearaudio Master Reference on 2 occasions, and has beaten that on both occasions, in the ears of the listeners. It has been tested against Verdier La Platine and found to be about a tie on at least 2 different comparisons. On one comparison I know of, it was tested against a Walker Proscenium and was very close, and the Walker had a better cartridge. So by now I guess that it is apparent it is in a very high class of turntables. I am not saying that it is the very best, but I do say it is competitive with the very best, and costs far less, so I promote it as a very good value. If I were to guess, I'd say it will beat the SPJ LaLuce, because the SPJ has primarily acrylic construction. This is a problem and gives poorer detail and bass response compared to other materials. I found this out first hand when I had my Teres acrylic-base 135, and then upgraded to the wood/lead shot loaded 245 base. This may also be one reason why the Teres beats all the Clearaudio TTs. After hearing the difference between acrylic and other base materials, I cannot recommend acrylic bases. Again, I am not saying that Teres is the ultimate. I am saying that it is close enough to the ultimate so that you would never need to upgrade and it could be your last table. Especially since it is so reasonably priced. As far as arms on the Teres are concerned, it is very easy to use any type of arm on it. It has alot of adjustability for rotation and position of the armboard, and can accept any arm. Even ET-2.5 and other air bearing arms will work quite easily. There is no suspension, so sagging springs are not a problem when using heavy arms like the ET. In fact, it sounds real good with an ET-2.5. I use an OL Silver arm. Many are used with OL modded Rega 250. Graham is also popular with Teres owners. You can pick whatever you want, and it works great. I like the OL arms, but it would accept Kuzma arms just fine. No problem.