Best set-up for up to 9k retail?

What are your thoughts on the best table/arm/cartridge set-up. So far, what I'm leaning towards is an Avid Volvare (4k), Tri-Planar arm(3k) and Lyra Helikon(2k) cartridge. Also, what's a good phonostage match?

I'm considering an upgrade from a Nottingham Interspace table/arm and a Dynavector Karat cartridge. I'm using a Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibralter and a homemade Big Rock.

I'm a big jazz fan but also dip into Steely Dan, King Crimson and Mahavishnu.

I've got a Rogue Magnum Tempest and Von Schweikert DB-100 speakers (obscure, but great).

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
You may also want to consider a Redpoint Testa Rosa. It is at the same price point as the Avid Volvere without arm and gives you alot of value. I have ordered one which will arrive in a few weeks and will be using a Kuzma Stogi Reference arm. The turntable will work though with any arm. I am sure the tri-planar would be a great match. You can see at:
I agree that the Redpoint TT is a very good one. It is made by some of the same people that worked on the Teres project, and some feel it is an improvement. Another one of the better values in the TT arena.
TWL what would you venture to say a turntable which would better my Audio Aero Capitol Mark 2 CD player would cost? Read today the Teres 135 is better sounding than a VPI TNT 4 using the same arm and cartridge on both tables. Didn't know the lower priced Teres was this good.