Hard Drive Question

I have a couple of hard drives that are currently not being used that I want to put music on. Before I do so, I'd like to check them out to make sure they are both working OK. Can anyone recommend a utility to do this? I use Linux as my main OS but I also have Windows 7 on another machine, so I can use either OS for this. Both drives are about a year old and identical. (2TB Seagate SATA internal's)
I'll second HDTune. I like how they highlight the troublesome SMART data in yellow.

You could also use Seatools, but I am always suspicious of utilities that are provided by the manufacturer.

I think HD Tune works with eSATA, but I don't have time to check right now.
Thanks Riffer. To be sure it's clear, what I was saying does not work through external drive interfaces is just the reading of SMART data. I know that is true for USB and Firewire, and I believe it is true regardless of whether HD Tune or any other comparable program is used. I suspect the same is also true with eSATA.

Most or all of HD Tune's other functions, including error scanning and speed testing, WILL work through USB and Firewire, and I assume eSATA as well.

Best regards,
-- Al