Best Pc for audio?

Hello, i want to know your thought about the best computers brand for audio purposes. You rather using a laptop, a mac or a desktop?
I am using a MAC Book Pro computer with iTunes. The MAC has 4 GB RAM and the 120GB solid state drive. I have the Seaport Free Agent Go Pro 500GB external hard drive to store my music files (a 2nd one for backup). The MAC is connected to the Furman AC-215 power conditioner. The Furman is required so the MAC does not interfere with the audio components. See I have about 75 CD's loaded into my MAC Book Pro computer and many more to go. It takes between 3 to 5+ minutes per CD using the AIFF format. This is a very boring time consuming process.
MacMinis rip quickly into AIFF. Small footprint. I agree with all the Mac guys above despite my wireless integration issues you can find in an earlier thread.

:) listening,

I choose a PC.

The Rain Recording Solstice, Offers fastest processing from AMD and comes with Built-in HD media connection
I'm not familiar with Mac, but how do you use iTouch? Ipod Touch? as a remote to Mac Mini?

Is Mac Mini quiet?