Inexpensive CD Transport

I just purchesed an old Wadia 32 D/A and currently have a new NAD C540 CD player. I hate to waste the DAC in the 540 (24/96) so I am thinking about selling it and getting an older player or transport unit -- I love the sound of the Wadia 32. I have also considered getting a multi disc player for convenience. Any suggestions or should I just keep the NAD...also are there any issues with the digital out on the 24/96 player and the older Wadia? Thanks.
A couple of things. First the Wadia is first rate, that D/A is very good. You may know that Wadia has been bought and may no longer be a viable company. That's why so much Wadia gear is for sale right now. D/A's rarely have problems, but I wouldn't recommend a Wadia transport right now. They rarely break, but if they do--you're going to have problems with service. A good transport will give you the most out of the D/A. I have used four different transports in my system with 3 different D/As. Each of them sounded different with different D/As. There is a bit of matching here. When I was using a Muse model 2 I prefered my Micromega Drive 2 (which by the way is for sale right now) over a CEC TTL2. That's not to say it was better than the CEC--but with the Muse it sounded better. I have used a Marantz and a Mission CD player as transports. The sound on them was very closed with poor bottom end resolution compared to the Micromega. I'm now using a Mark Levinson 37 transport with the 36 D/A. Not only is the 37 much higher resolution and considerable better bottom end--but it benefits from the matching to the D/A. So, if you can get a steal on a Wadia transport (and I mean steal because service could be a big issue) and you are a risk taker--this might be the way to go (best sound for the dollar). If you want a Micromega Drive 2 cheap--let me know. The only other thing you might consider is a Genesis digital lens.
keep the wadia they will be back in business,if you can find a wadia # 20 transport used for 1500 or less grab it and then connect the 2 units with the optimal enchantment optimus glass cable,you will never sell the combo.I have the transport and have had it for 4 years,cannot be beaten
I used the Acurus ACD-11 as transport, great CDT for money also cheapest in used market around $350 you'll get it like new, Rega CDP also good for money. Good luck.
Buy a DVD unit either multi disc and use it with your DAC - it will give you great sound and vision . Sony or Yamaha .
Patriot- If you want a changer, the CAL CL-10 is very good. I am using one now, as a stand alone and it sounds good with the built in DAC. I love the convenience, and have thought that if I upgrade, I will just go with a good, used DAC. FWIW, this unit was rated Class B, so iits pretty good on its own. I paid $800 from a local dealer, but you can get one privately for about $700.