Just a kind word of thanks

Back in early June I posted a response to a reader requesting feedback impressions of a particular table / arm combination that I just happened to own. While responding to this post I mentioned that I was running my Benz Glider cart. at 47K Ohms. Another Audiogon member "Zaikesman" replied that this setting was not correct for this particular cart. We then went off line and over to direct e-mail for some detailed discussions. After several pages of pleasent detailed education I started to experiment with my C-J EF1 phono stage. I finally became satisifed with 500 ohms at 52dB of gain. The wonderful thing about this experience was that a fellow Audiogon member took the time and energy to help educate another member in incredible detail. This is the reason why I love this site, and continue to buy / sell from this site. Good people with a love for high end equipment and music, willing to share knowledge and experience in a unselfish fashion!
You've just touched upon what I've been thinking for some time, but never expressed it. I have not had any personal contact with anyone help wise, but I have learned so much from everyone on this site. I can't wait to get home everyday and read (learn) something new. One problem I do have however, is those of you who respond to questions by saying "this question has been asked too many times, look in the archives." What you must realize, is that some of us are either new, or are too stupid to have even thought of that question in the first place, so when someone asks a question, others of us are thinking, yea, I've been wondering that too. If no one else brings it up, we may have not really even realized we were wondering about it, so would never have thought to look in the archives for answers. For those of you that do not wish to re answer the same old questions,over and over again (understandable enough), if you could at least give us a direct clue to where to look for specific threads in the archives it would be helpful. Not just amp,cables,speakers, etc. I have tried to look for threads for questions I have, but sometimes I just don't know how to or what to ask, so I'm at your mercy.
Anyway, keep up the great work to everyone who uses this site, you are truly what keeps this sport alive.
Over the last 9 months or so, I have learned an abundance of audio information (and also some tricks that I have used with respect to the WAF - "Really sweetheart, it was an even trade for my old Paradigm's for the Merlin VSM" :)

Fantastic, highly professional and courteous site.

Best regards to all,
I gotta chime in on the Zaikesman love-fest. He actually took the time to call me and help setup my then Technics 1200. I had no clue how to do ANY of the setup, and he was a great teacher: knowledgable and never condescending.

TWL is another one, I wish he'd accept my offer to send him some vinyl as thanks. He spent an obviously substantial amount of time writing very detailed and thorough emails when I was looking for a new TT, and then helped me setup my Teres. It was an intimidating project, as I had spent thousands (!!) of dollars, and didn't want to screw any of it up, and he was there every step of the way (literally... it was like I couldn't do one thing before checking with Tom to make sure I was doing it right! :)

I have some really amazing sound coming out of my speakers, and I owe a lot of it to Audiogon, and especially Zaikesman and TWL. I hope one day I can pass on the help. THANKS!!!

I also enjoy Alex's(Zaikesman) posts, and correspond with him from time-to-time via email too. He's a great guy with alot of good experience.

Steve, thanks for your nice comments about me too.
Zaikes and Twl are model citizens. If Audiogon were Plato's republic they'd be our philosopher-kings, seekers of truth who lead only because they have the knowledge to do so, not because they in any way crave leadership. (Let's hope they don't decide to move to California!)