Just a kind word of thanks

Back in early June I posted a response to a reader requesting feedback impressions of a particular table / arm combination that I just happened to own. While responding to this post I mentioned that I was running my Benz Glider cart. at 47K Ohms. Another Audiogon member "Zaikesman" replied that this setting was not correct for this particular cart. We then went off line and over to direct e-mail for some detailed discussions. After several pages of pleasent detailed education I started to experiment with my C-J EF1 phono stage. I finally became satisifed with 500 ohms at 52dB of gain. The wonderful thing about this experience was that a fellow Audiogon member took the time and energy to help educate another member in incredible detail. This is the reason why I love this site, and continue to buy / sell from this site. Good people with a love for high end equipment and music, willing to share knowledge and experience in a unselfish fashion!
0.003 percent of Audiogoner may be snobbish (this much distortion is even acceptable in amps) but the rest 99.997 are not. That is what my experience is here anyway!

This by far is the purist audio community that I have had the previlidge to have been associated with.

Last but not least, I have learnt a lot.
Zaikes, I only wish I had a Teres. But for now, I am still using my Technics 1300. The only upgrade I have made is I bought a Goldring 1042 cart, which I am very happy with BTW. You say we live close, so am waiting for that email. Sorry I won't be able to give you a listen to a Teres, but you are welcome to listen to my Technics, as I have a collection of a few thousand Lp's. Surely I will have something you would enjoy listening too.

I have caviar dreams, but only an Oscar Meyer budget!
Wwwrecords, I guess you must be a Steve. So is "Dennis_the_menace" - check his post above. But I'll see you on those few thousand records, and raise you a couple of thou! :-)
Zaikes, Yep, I am a Steve also. I could see that couple of thou, but it would be a bunch of garbage, and I don't think you would want it, so I will politely fold. ;o)
Yeah, now that you bring it up, if I were to actually get rid of all of my 'bunch of garbage', I shudder to think how much more compact the ol' collection would be... ;^)