VPI SDS question

Here`s my question.I currently have a VPI TNT JR and have thinking of adding a SDS controler to it. Here`s the problem , due to the size of our house the peices for the system only have one outlet including turntable. All the peices are pluged into a line conditioner. The amp is pluged directly into the other half of the outlet due to the size of the amp ( mac 352)through a 6 foot power cord. So if I were to buy a SDS it would have to be plugged into the line conditioner. So would that benifit me sonicly by doing this or just not by a SDS and buy more vinyl. David
The SDS ia one of the best things you will do to improve the sound of your VPI turntable. Plugging it into the line conditioner will be fine. It may not be the best-best way but I do it without any detectable sound effects.