Svetlana 6N1P in new ARC VS55

The new Audio Research VS55 amp uses the Svetlana 6N1P for it's driver and input tubes. My understanding of this tube is that it is similar to a 6DJ8/6922 type and may substitute for these types in "some" applications. This amp seems to be very close kin to the VT60, and I wonder if anyone knows if the 6N1P can be used in it or in any of the ARC pre amps that use the 6DJ8/6922, I.E. SP9,SP14, LS1,...? This tube might be a promising prospect if it will work as a sub, and they are dirt cheap to boot.
ARC just says NO to the 6N1P in my VT60 and in the pre amps designed for the 6DJ8/6922.
My buddy went to the Richardsons Electronics web site and got Amperex Bugle Boys for $23 each - the best readily available 6922/6DJ8. They totally transformed his Ah Tjoeb cd player. It was harsh and grainy with the stock JAN tubes, and now sounds much smoother with the Amperex tubes. The web site says they don't have them in stock, but if you call them they do. Good luck.
I just "say no" to NOS. Thanks anyway.I am sure they sound great but I am poor! Great hobby to have if you have no job, no prospects, and no future. This is what being in the high end audio business 10 years has done for me!
Rlennan: Richardson purchased the Amperex trademark years ago and can relabel anything they wish as "Amperex". They have received quite a bit of flack about this in the audio chatrooms, but since they own the name/trademark, they can do as they like. I seriously doubt if your friend purchased old production high quality BB's for this price unless they were possibly rejects from another tube vendor who tests and grades their tubes.