What component have you changed out the most?

Which component in your two channel system have you repaced the most? Sice I started this hobby (16 years ago), I have gone through more digital sources than any other component. A close 2nd would be amplifiers.

If cables are ruled out as a component, then my most changed component is the digital source as well. Amplifier would be my second choice, but not a close second

Hmm, forgot about cables.... I think I still have had more digital sources than any types of cables.

Digital Source - four to one. But not anymore. The
Electrocompaniet CDP is THE ONE.
Actually I've stopped changing digital gear as well, not because my Classe CDP-1 is THE ONE though. It's very nice for digital playback, but I've realized that analogue is THE ONE. Neither my Classe or my Sony SACD sound as good as my inexpensive analog rig. I'll probably start concentrating on upgrading the analogue components now. I still listen to cd's, but only when I'm too lazy or busy to clean and setup an LP.