Hum Issues - Rega P-25 w/ Grado Reference Platnum

My friend just put a Grado Reference Platinum cartridge on his Rega P-25. As the cartridge tracks toward the center of the records, the hum increases from non-existant to unacceptable.

Is there anything that can be done about this?

Is it possible to put some type of shielding between the motor and the platter? Or perhaps coat the underside of the platter with a copper-based paint to shield the cart from the inductive interference from the motor?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Dont know if Grado cartridge is not suit for Rega RB arm. The VTA angle may not be right.

Also clean your cartridge as well. Sometimes thats the reason.
if you search the archives, you'll find many people who have had similar experiences. it appears that the rega/grado combination is notorious for the exact hum of which you speak. i'm not sure if anybody's come up with a solution yet, but you should have a look and check.
There was a Stereophile from way back when that contained an article about covering (part) of the plinth with adhesive mu-metal. It worked, but I don't know whether there was any stubborn residue left by the adhesive. Maybe a Stereophile, Agon, AA or google search could give you more details.

While the P-25 already has speed problems, I'm don't think adding material to the platter would be a good idea. Who knows though, maybe it'll slow it down to what the speed should be. Good luck
Grado cartridges all hum on Rega turntables as they move toward the center of the record. LP12s do the same, but not quite as much. The Grado cartridges are particularly susceptible to the motor’s magnetic field. The only solution is to change the table or the cartridge. They are incompatible.