I need a bright detailed 300 used speaker cable

I recently purchased a pair of Silverline SR 12's and find them toooo polite, soft, and rolled-off in the treble when using Linn LK20's. I need 12 ft or longer, and would prefer a bi-wired pair with bananas, but I can live with single-wiring. I've heard that Nordost might fit the bill.


I can second Seans' suggestion of the red dawn, having owned a pair....lean and detailed, tilted up a bit to my ears[ultra detailed].....I would imagine they would sing on tubes....good luck.
Hi Sean--yes I thought the Alpha Core were brighter than the Analysis Plus Oval 9's! I know others' experience differs.
Kimber Kable 8tc is zippy and detailed. Can be internally biwired as well. Used, easily within your budget.
I like the Nordost (Blue Heaven) as well. Often people do not mention the amazing bass these have. You want a very good source with these as they can sound a little thin in the high end otherwise, (as opposed to bright - to my ears).
Thanks for the support and contradictions folks : ) This is kind of a funny thread. Obviously different systems and different people experience different results. Sometimes VERY different. It just goes to show that you really do need to experiment and see what works best for you and your system. At least we've found out that we can "typically" post our personal results, even if they do differ significantly, and agree to disagree.

And to think, this IS a "wire & cable" thread too : ) Sean