were should best cable go - CD or Preamp?

My question is: generally speaking - if you have two different cable pairs (Homegrown Silver Lace & Kimber Silver Streak)- were would you put them for best sound?

A: CD to Preamp- Kimber / Preamp to amp- homegrown
B: CD to Preamp- Homegrown / Preamp to amp- Kimber
Do you have these cables now? It is best to trust your own ears and experiment yourself. All systems are different.

I have my best cable between the preamp and amp, because I also run a tuner, turntable, and tapedeck, so it improves all these components. On the CD player, it would only benefit that one component. Works for me, but your results may differ.

I have the Kimber cable now (preamp to amp) and a junky JVC cd player with a OEM cable but I am in the process as we speak of purchasing a Rotel or a Arcam CD player, as such, I will purchase a new cable (ie-Homegrown). I want to go with the Homegrown because of the excellent reviews the Silver Lace's are getting (specifically, I want the better bass improvements over the Kimber) - eventually, I may replace the Kimber too, but CD+cable= I have to wait a little while on another purchase.
As far as system goes, the only source I use is the CD - I live in the country, so my tuner doesn't pick up anything worth listening to.
Try it both ways and see what sounds better, but as it was once told to me what is lost can never be regained, i.e. the cable that goes from the CD to pre is the place to start and then work your way down stream.

There is an "art" to selecting what cable goes where. This is part of what is known as "voicing" a system. This can take a lot of trial and error and requires the availability of several different cables, but will provide far more consistent performance within the system. This is especially true if you have multiple sources. Otherwise, each source sounds so different from the other that the system lacks synergy and cohesiveness.

If you only have two interconnects within your system and two or three cables to choose from, your job is a lot easier. Try them all in various positions and then rotate them. Put two into the system and listen for a period of time ( a few days at least ). Then swap them and see which combo you like better. Take notes along the way and try to listen to discs that you are familiar with. Sean
i agree with Tim. the source interconnect is most critical since the signal here is still "pure". the preamp will "attenuate" the signal and slightly degrade (not universal agreement on this point) the signal and typically the output circut of the preamp is stronger than than your source and better able to drive a less transparent interconnect.

if you really want to see this effect compare phono cables, where everything is magnified by the delicate nature of the weak signal. after the phono stage amplifies and equalizes the signal it is more robust and less affected by cable.

as the signal travels thru your system it does not improve; so the longer it is better the less you lose. these effects are typically slight but none the less real.