were should best cable go - CD or Preamp?

My question is: generally speaking - if you have two different cable pairs (Homegrown Silver Lace & Kimber Silver Streak)- were would you put them for best sound?

A: CD to Preamp- Kimber / Preamp to amp- homegrown
B: CD to Preamp- Homegrown / Preamp to amp- Kimber
i agree with Tim. the source interconnect is most critical since the signal here is still "pure". the preamp will "attenuate" the signal and slightly degrade (not universal agreement on this point) the signal and typically the output circut of the preamp is stronger than than your source and better able to drive a less transparent interconnect.

if you really want to see this effect compare phono cables, where everything is magnified by the delicate nature of the weak signal. after the phono stage amplifies and equalizes the signal it is more robust and less affected by cable.

as the signal travels thru your system it does not improve; so the longer it is better the less you lose. these effects are typically slight but none the less real.
like the previous poster said, if the info is lost upstream you will not hear it downstream. use the cable that delivers the most info...easy!
Since the weakest signal is from source to pre, it might make more sense to put your best cables on that link.

What constitutes the "better" cable ? Does it depend on:

A) what the cable is made out of ?

B) the geometry of the cable design ?

C) the brand that the cable is is marketed under ?

D) how much the cable costs ?

E) all of the above


F) how it reacts between specific components and the rest of the system ?

Wire IS wire. It is just a matter of WHICH wire works best where. Taking things for granted (i.e. "cable A is better than cable B and should go here" ) and not experimenting may be giving you a LOT less performance and musicality out of your system than it is truly capable of.

Try experimenting with the cables that you already have, paying attention to directionality, and see what happens. You might gain and you might not. Either way, you can always go back to what you had so long as you take notes before starting.

The cost of seeing if there are any differences: no money, only time. It could turn out to be a very worthwhile tweak. At the least, you will have at least gained experience and know for sure what you like best within the confines of your specific system. Sean
As you can read, all opinions differ, so as I said above, trust your own ears. I will add that I have a duplicate cable as good as the one between my preamp and amp, but it does not sound right with the CD player, a lesser one does.
The best cables is the one that sounds best to you. Ignore how much they cost.