were should best cable go - CD or Preamp?

My question is: generally speaking - if you have two different cable pairs (Homegrown Silver Lace & Kimber Silver Streak)- were would you put them for best sound?

A: CD to Preamp- Kimber / Preamp to amp- homegrown
B: CD to Preamp- Homegrown / Preamp to amp- Kimber
As you can read, all opinions differ, so as I said above, trust your own ears. I will add that I have a duplicate cable as good as the one between my preamp and amp, but it does not sound right with the CD player, a lesser one does.
The best cables is the one that sounds best to you. Ignore how much they cost.
Hi Id determine which is the better cable Id use one to the pre amp and one to the cd on the same side .Then on the other side in reverse ,put on your favorite cd and determine if you like one side more than the other .
I prefer to have all the same type of cable thru my system.
Determine which cable is better. Sell the inferior one, and use the funds to buy another one of the better cable.

Cable synergy and less headaches this way. Well, one out of two ain't bad.
In my experience,
when I used cheaper cables, it was better to have the more expensive cable between the amp and preamp. As I got into expensive cables,( MIT Shotgun... ), I found that it was better to put the best cable on the source.

As has been stated above, try it both ways and see which you like better. Personal taste will also dictate your choice.

It's suggested to put the better cables on you source which is the CD.But your ears will be the final judge.