Help Please: What Cartridge?

I am on an upgrade path in anolog front end and could use some feedback. I have a VPI MK IV, which I am upgrading to the new HR-X bearing and platter. I also am waiting on a JMW 10 arm I purchased on Augiogon. Previously I had a Rega Planar 3 with Dynavector 10X4 MK II, which I sold off. I am not sure if I made a wise decision selling the Dynavector but I was so impressed with this cartridge I wanted to get more. Other than a Denon DL103, which I had before my current system (ver low end so the true capability of this cartridge was never known to me), the Dyna was the only cartridge that I have heard (sorry I did own an AKG cartridge way back on a pioneer direct drive turntable but we won't talk about that) so I really don't know what various cartridges will sound like and am stuck trying to decide. The other problem is whether I should stick with high output MC or go low output and add a transformer. Is there really that much difference between the two? The Dynavector seamed fine to me but again I don't know what I am missing. Seams to me you may loose any advantage you may have gained in the low output cartridges by the addition of another component such as the step up and cables. My current system consists of VTL TT25 monblocks, Coincident Super Eclipse speakers, Rogue Audio Magnum 99 with phono and upgraded to premium GE NOS and Mullard NOS, Wireworld Silver Eclipse III speaker cables, Peirre Gabriel ML1 silver interconnects and Foundation Research line conditioners. My digital is Pioneer DV-09 (temporary), which I don't listen to much. Incidentally I had a Cary 303/200 but returned it to build my analog because my Rega setup sounded better!! Any help would be appreciated. The cartridges I have considered are Dyna 20HX,Karat 17, Benz Micro H2, Shelters, Grados, Clearaudio Virtuosso and Lyra Helikon. I listen mostly to Classical, Jazz and pop in that order. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
Agree with you, Larry...but I wanted to make the point that type of music is key to testing gear. It was harder to tell the difference between the IC's with your Diana Krall CD than w/ my Gilberto Santa Rosa. Salsa is extremely demanding on audio systems. Anyone who doubts this ask Frank Van Alstine...

Besides, we haven't disclosed the IC's I just bought. Not important. I'm glad I could test them in your high resolution system. Now I know the cryo'ed Tice IC's will do an outstanding job from electronic x-over to subwoofer amp. Excellent!
Lak, I agree all the cables need to be the same so you know which is speaking the singular truth.
Just as a brief follow-up, I now am auditioning the above interconnects that reference was made to. I’m using two pair of the interconnects and one pair of the same brand speaker cables. I’ll audition them on my tube system and SS system and then post my results. I’ll be comparing them to my favorite reference interconnects and speaker cables, (Pure Note Epsilon Reference).
Larry, let us know how the cables fare against the Pure Note. I'm definitely curious... steve